Saturday, February 16, 2019

new post 2019

i am NEVER HAPPIER than when i'm rolling some kawaii ass player character with a Magic School Bus voice rolling on a death & dismemberment table


  1. I was going to make a "at my old school, we NEVER died or got dismembered" joke - but mid-sentence I noticed that Phoebe is constantly invoking her OLD SCHOOL! Someone should make a meme about that, probably.

  2. "Someone" she says. YOU, Anne, YOU should make a meme about that.

    So I did.

  3. I miss you guys.

    Need to get the Space Dungeon gang back together

    1. I miss you man! Send me an email so we're still in touch After The End. For some reason I don't get email notifications for blog comments... Oughta look into that.

      my first name, the letter I, my last name, at Gmail. All lower case.


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